Well, since I've been taking photos, people have been noticing. And complimenting. And encouraging me to do more with what has just been a goal to get better pictures. If you know me, you know that I have a hard time taking compliments. I brush them off, joke, and then change the subject. But in reality every little nugget of encouragement has settled into my heart that I won't easily forget. It's gotten me to think... well what if? What if I can turn this into a career? What if I get really good at it? Will I be successful? Will I be able to do something I enjoy and turn it into a profitable business?
I'm not a big risk taker when it comes to trying to do something new and putting myself out there. I can try new things all of the time, but if my heart is in it.. If I'm really putting art out there to potentially be critiqued, criticized or rejected, it's personal. I don't have a lot of myself invested in a way where I feel vulnerable to people's opinions. Can anyone else relate? I'm sure that's how most people feel who pursue art or music or just anything that gives others a view into their life in an intimate way.
With all of that being said... I'm going for it! I'm taking the leap and going to be learning more about what I've enjoyed doing as a hobby and try turning it into a possible career. The ones who are closest to my heart and have my best interest in mind are behind me cheering me on. If no one else thinks that what I'm choosing to do will be successful or that I'm not good at what I'd like to do, then that's OKAY. Right now it doesn't seem okay and it seems a little scary but this is just another one of those pesky life lessons.
Acceptance of myself and talent I have.
Perseverance to continue to do what I enjoy through learning curves and negativity.
Confidence that I will grow, learn and eventually be great at a gift I have in photography.
Here we go! :)