Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Holidays at the O'neills!

Blogging two days in a row?! I know. I know. I'm getting a jump start on that New Year's resolution and whipping my blogging butt into shape. Ha! Anyways here's a glimpse into my festive family & home over the last few weeks... 

DIY Family Photo shoot WIN!


I love the look of twinkle lights in a jar! I think I'll fill it to the top next year. And possibly have at least 5 more scattered through the house. 

Pinecones in a basket. Not too special except the ones I selected for a blast of glitter in the backyard.

Homemade heart garland and pom garland! Would it be a little ridiculous to have a garland in every room? I didn't think so either. PLUS I'm thinking this is sticking around till at least end of February for Valentines Day. Double Duty Decor.

The beautiful bird's nest was made by a gal at church who used these as place cards for our super fancy Ladies Christmas Dinner. How darling is this?!

I love love love her festive pjs. Seriously I want them in my size so badly. 

Last but certainly not least, some sweet roses from Hubby. Not festive but still makes my heart happy. :)

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Sock Animals

Bunny for Lo & Fox for Big Bro

Good morning! Jeeze I'm thinking my new years resolution will be trying to keep up with blogging! Once a month blog posting is not what I had in mind! Anyways, I am SO excited to share with you a fun and easy stocking stuffer for the kiddos! I love love love this blogger over at She's amazing. Super stylish, has the best little projects and they're geared towards the super simple crafter like myself. Now, I've never sown (sewed?) anything in my life. That's how easy this was. And cheap! All I needed to buy for the supplies were 2 pairs of socks. That's it! Now, I was trying to save some money and went hunting around my house for the rest of my supplies. I had a needle and thread on hand already, found some buttons off of an old sweater I don't wear and the stuffing is from some old stuffed animals hanging out in the closet ready to be donated. I suppose I could have done the entire project for FREE if I snagged a few pairs of my husband's socks but something about stuffed animals for my kids to snuggle out of my husband's dirty old socks just didn't sit right. Ya feel me? Plus I LOVED the socks she used in her tutorial and ended up randomly finding the exact pair at Walmart! Score! It came in a pack of 2 for $6. So the entire project worked out to be $3 a stuffed animal. *cue happy dance*

If you'd like to learn how to make these, head on over to her blog and she has detailed instructions for you to follow to make your own!

I know I promised a blog post on a fun new family tradition for Christmas and I promise I haven't forgotten about it! I will share with you all later this week! ;)

Monday, November 25, 2013

Christmas Teepee

Good morning! Today I'm sharing what I'll be giving the kiddos for Christmas this year! In our house, we like to do ONE gift for the kids and a stocking with inexpensive goodies. As hubby and I have had children and are learning what traditions we'd like to have as a family, we're coming to the conclusion that we want our holidays to be stripped of all the bells and whistles and get back to the basics. Boycotting society and their constant push of BUY BUY BUY and the dissatisfaction of what you don't or think you should have. It's so stressful! Why do we do it?! Every year the malls are packed. Mommas load themselves with never ending lists for kids that really would be pumped to just play with the boxes these overpriced toys come in. By the time the holiday are gone, it was a blur and all that's left are toys that will become old news and a pile of debt to sit on to show for it. There's a frenzy of chaos that ensues when the holidays come around and I refuse to buy into it. R-E-F-U-S-E. I will not be stepping foot in a mall, anything I can hand make myself I will, and I intend on soaking up all of the precious memories that will be made by teaching our children about the true meaning of Christmas, giving back to those less fortunate, and letting them participate in the making of our Christmas. SO with that all being said, this year I intend on making the kids a tee-pee for Christmas! Complete with hanging lights, comfy pillows and lots of fun books to read in their new fort. I will be making it out of a canvas drop cloth you can find at any home improvement store as well as dowels you can find there as well. I'm really excited about the chevron print! I had a hard time trying to find an example of what I'd like it to look like but I'm thinking thick and large print with more messy lines than precise clean cut look. Ya pickin up what I'm tryna throw down? Here is what I've been scoping out for my fun Christmas tee pee!

I plan on taking plenty of pictures along with a tutorial when I'm finished. :)

What are your ideas for Christmas this year? I'm excited to share with you all in a few days a great family tradition we started last year that I'd love to pass on! 

Happy Monday! :)

Monday, November 18, 2013

Holiday Family Photos!

Whew! This weekend was pure madness. I kicked off my Big Bro Little Lo Photography business with a holiday mini session for families! It was a HUGE success! This weekend I had the pleasure to meet new families, visit with friends, giggle with adorable children and take beautiful pictures. The best part about this weekend? To see how much love families have for each other. Every family had such unique connections that gave me such a happy heart to see. The beautiful bond between a daddy and daughter, the little smiles and secrets only sisters can share, the teasing glances between a husband and wife... All of these moments that are surrounded by giggles and snuggles. I was overwhelmed by it all. Here are some of the many beautiful memories I was lucky enough to capture over the weekend. Happy Monday friends! :)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Pallet Party!

The pallet wall is done! *Angels are singing* *Sporadic dancing wherever I go* YAY! This was the easiest yet cheapest yet longest project we've taken on. Let me break it down for those who want to attempt this themselves!

First thing is first. We needed to find pallets and lots of them! I called around to different stores and finally was able to track some down at a local nursery. When I got there, they had a stack of about 20 pallets sitting by the side of the road with a free sign. SCORE! Now, as someone who has never attempted a pallet project, I came very unprepared to haul these bad boys into the back of my jeep by myself. HA! Prepare to get dirty ladies. I picked through and grabbed my favorite ones. The weathered gray look is what I was going for with a few darker pieces. I grabbed a variety of pallets and made sure that the boards weren't broken and mostly useable. Pallets are everyyywhheerreee. Don't pay for them! Check local stores, Craigslist, nurseries... You'll find em!

Swimming in pallets

Once I got these home we took them apart! Now really the only way to do this is with a sawzall or also known as a rotating saw. If you use a prying method you'll shatter your boards. This part isn't necessarily difficult, just time consuming. Also you really need two people for this part. Hubby worked the saw through the pallets while I held them steady. Once you get through this it's pretty much smooth sailing from there! We didn't stain or really do anything to the wood. We loved the natural beat up look to it and honestly I was too lazy to sand or smooth anything out. When taking them apart, you need to keep the boards all separated in stacks by size. To get the random effect on the wall, we staggered different sizes for different rows. Each row must be the same size through all the way across or else your wall will be all off and gaps will be everywhere! Our wall measured 9ft by 9 ft exactly and we used 9 pallets total without a board left over. We measured out where the studs where and away we went!

My Mr. nailing my vision to the wall

We started each row alternating sides so the seams would be random and it wouldn't look uniform. Ex. Top row start from the left. Second row, start from the right. Third row, start from the left again. We didn't bother using a level, it pretty much levels itself and in the end it will definitely be a little off but nothing noticeable. :)
Each row took two whole boards and then we'd cut a board to fit the rest of the row flush against the wall. You will have some gaps between your boards! Looking back, it would have been better to paint the wall a darker color before starting so the gaps don't show as much but I went back through and filled in the gaps with a darker paint to blend a little better. 

It took us one full day and a handful of hours a few days before that to cut the pallets apart and put it up on the wall. Not too bad! 

Now here's the best part. This project was almost completely FREE! If we already had the saw, it would have been about $5 for the nails. That's it! We found our saw for $30 so our total cost was around $35. I've made wreaths for more than that!

If you can't tell, I'm pretty excited about our wall. I'll do another post down the road after I style it some more and add a few more modern touches to balance the rustic. Maybe painting those benches turquoise? Stencil them? Canvas prints on the wall? My options are endless!
I hope my description was easy to understand. If you decide to tackle this project I promise it will be well worth it! Have fun!

 Happy girl + Her Pallet Wall

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Say Cheese!

Good morning! Today I am excited to share that I'm apparently launching a photography business??! For the past few months I've really been stepping it up with whipping out the "fancy camera" to get snapshots of our days, the kids, events, nature... instead of just using the good ol' handy dandy Iphone/Instagram combo. It's been so easy to use a phone the last few years to get pictures of things you don't want to miss, but I feel like those pictures just end up on Facebook and there they stay. The quality just isn't there to blow up and frame. It's been in the back of my mind for awhile that I really want pictures that I'll have 20 years down the road. I also really don't want those photos to be grainy miniature phone pictures. So, I've made it a point to utilize a legitimate camera. 

Well, since I've been taking photos, people have been noticing. And complimenting. And encouraging me to do more with what has just been a goal to get better pictures. If you know me, you know that I have a hard time taking compliments. I brush them off, joke, and then change the subject. But in reality every little nugget of encouragement has settled into my heart that I won't easily forget. It's gotten me to think... well what if? What if I can turn this into a career? What if I get really good at it? Will I be successful? Will I be able to do something I enjoy and turn it into a profitable business?

I'm not a big risk taker when it comes to trying to do something new and putting myself out there. I can try new things all of the time, but if my heart is in it.. If I'm really putting art out there to potentially be critiqued, criticized or rejected, it's personal. I don't have a lot of myself invested in a way where I feel vulnerable to people's opinions. Can anyone else relate? I'm sure that's how most people feel who pursue art or music or just anything that gives others a view into their life in an intimate way. 

With all of that being said... I'm going for it! I'm taking the leap and going to be learning more about what I've enjoyed doing as a hobby and try turning it into a possible career. The ones who are closest to my heart and have my best interest in mind are behind me cheering me on. If no one else thinks that what I'm choosing to do will be successful or that I'm not good at what I'd like to do, then that's OKAY. Right now it doesn't seem okay and it seems a little scary but this is just another one of those pesky life lessons. 

Acceptance of myself and talent I have. 
Perseverance to continue to do what I enjoy through learning curves and negativity. 
Confidence that I will grow, learn and eventually be great at a gift I have in photography.

Here we go! :)


Friday, October 25, 2013

Fall La La La La!!!

Fall is easily my favorite time of year. There are so many Pinterest posts about the leaves changing, hot drinks, crisp air, sweaters, leggings etc. etc. etc. Yea. Just try and name one person who doesn't love fall. I don't know about you but raking up leaf piles to jump in, scooping up handfuls to throw at my husband up in the air and basically frolicking around outside all day is STILL fun to me. I hope I never feel too old for that. With this fall upon us, we've also come to adopt a new child in the form of a camera. She comes with me hanging off of my neck everywhere we go. I love her. I think I might have this irrational fear I'll miss some great shots of the kiddos in all this fall glory! Like it will go away too soon or never come again. I know fall comes evveerry year. Wouldn't you think we'd be used to it by now? Here's our life in a few snapshots over the last few weeks! :) Hope you all are having a fabulous fall week!

What does the fox say? Anyone?

My little raccoon needing a vice grip to take a stinkin picture with his mama!


Saturday, September 7, 2013

Welcome to Me

This space is for me to jot down life, share the "normal" and to have a little space on the internet to call my own. I'm not creative in a way that I can call my own, more so I'm a great copycat! I can follow directions like nobody's business and love the way my home is slowly being pieced together from all of the amazing ideas that I've found from such smart talented women! I might add a twist or my own personal touch but for the most part I'm maybe 75% authentic. Can anyone else relate?!

I have two AMAZING children. No seriously. Everyone thinks their kids are the smartest, cutest bunch of babies and I think my kids are among the best of em. I lucked out and probably take it for granted that I've been so blessed with these two. I'll try to keep the gushing of my children to a minimum on this blog but no promises. :) 
Big Bro & Little Lo

Life is exhausting isn't it?! Always busy, always a little behind and always needing just that little bit of "me" time. No, taking a pee without your minions shoving fingers under the door is not considered me time. Mamas need a BREAK. We need refreshment. Encouragement. For life to slow down, kids to stop growing so fast and for the laundry to do itself. My hope is to share myself in a way where you feel a little better, a little happier and encouraged while chugging your third sipping a cup of coffee in between naps, laundry, and endless Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I love you all and I'm excited to get to know you!